Agency Price List

12 x (28 day) Featured Job Postings
(credits valid for 12 months)

Your Agency / or client branded job advert banner on aligned Nuclear Jobs landing pages and social

Our maximum level of job post sponsoring across the job board network

prices exclude VAT

 Login or Register to purchase or Post Now

40 x (28 day) Direct Job Postings
(credits valid for 12 months)

Direct candidate applications

Boosted for top search result matches

Job Postings, direct and network, linked from Directory Profile


prices exclude VAT

Login or Register to purchase or Post Now

100 x (28 day) Direct Job Postings
(credits valid for 12 months)

Direct candidate applications

Boosted for top search result matches

Job postings linked to Recruiter Profile

Multi-post integrations

prices exclude VAT

Login or Register to purchase or Post Now

CV Search Credits   
(100 x CV Downloads, monthly top up)

CV Alerts

Job seekers can decide whom will access their full CV

Profile linked to your job postings

£499 per annum
prices exclude VAT

Featured Recruiter Directory Profile 

Make your Agency stand out in our Recruiter Directory

Directly link you website from relevant landing pages

All your nuclear industry job postings seamlessly linked in search results and from your profile



Agency Subscription MAX
(unused credits expire monthly , refreshed with subscription)

50 x Direct Job Postings 

100 x CV downloads 

1 x Featured Job posting

Featured Recruiter Directory Profile

Multi-post integrations

£500 per month 
prices exclude VAT


Why advertise with Nuclear Jobs?

  • We are an industry-wide job board, independently operated without Agency / Client ownership. 
  • Unlike Destination Nuclear, in the UK, and other country based nuclear industry lead job sites, we positively promote Agency job postings and offer great value Agency rates

  • We are job search platform attracting SQEP industry applicants, alongside a mix those motivated by a move into Nuclear.
  • The only global Nuclear industry job board, offering Job Post and Candidate Search by country specific paramaters ensuring job seeker relevancy, and offering you opportunity for global in-country / regional attraction.

  • Advertise today we will help grow your position as as leading Nuclear industry agency.